Student Solution


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2 Subjects

Discussion 6_ Anthony

Discussion 6_ Anthony

Q 6. A) We have all heard the term groupthink. Have you ever been involved in groupthink? What are the implications of groupthink for successful mitigation of conflict?Reflect on changes in communications technology during your lifetime. Are there communications technologies you use now that were not available when you were child? How have these changes affected you?

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The term ‘Groupthink’ was coined by Irving L. Janis and was published in book named ‘Groupthink’. While finding the answer to why there are times when a team at one time reaches a great decision and one some other time reaches an unsuccessful decision, Irving L. Janis found that the reason behind the group leading to poor decisions was lack of opposing viewpoints and inability to analyse all the alternatives. Rationalization, peer pressure, complacency, stereotyping, illusion of unanimity amongst others are the symptoms of groupthink ("Avoiding Groupthink: Avoiding Sometimes-Fatal Flaws in Group Decision Making", 2020).